
The impact of decluttering your bedroom.

Feb 18, 2023

Hi {{first_name}},


Inside of the DECLUTTERED program, you will declutter your bedroom if:

  1. your life feels like a constant list of to do's
  2. you often wake up thinking about work first
  3. you feel like you don't have enough time to think and just be the CEO in your business.


As a result of decluttering the bedroom, you will finally have time in your life, to think about where to take your business, not just what you need to do in your business.

On top of that, your decluttered bedroom is going to help you shift your focus to make room for your business and your relationships and self care.

Decluttering your bedroom will help you begin and end your days in a peaceful and calm state.

That peace of mind will help you minimize your to-do list, maintain your peace during your launches, embody the beliefs that will improve your time management, and maintain consistent time boundaries even when you're feeling stressed.


After completing your bedroom it will be a place of peace, tranquility, rest, and relaxation.


To start creating that space within the next few weeks, join the DECLUTTERED waitlist. Inside the program, we'll spend 6 months together decluttering and building your schedule, home and business so that you can create 20 hours per week for your relationships and self-care while continuing to scale your business.


Enrollment opens on Feb. 26th.

When you enroll from the waitlist, you'll get access to our exclusive bonus - a 1:1 decluttering weekend with me!


During this weekend, we can walk through the entire decluttering process together in your bedroom.

When we're done, you will:

  • create space for journaling, meditation and writing.
  • create a slow morning routine that you can sustain even if you have kids and a spouse.
  • feel confident about your ability to create time for your needs no matter what life brings.


Click here to join the waitlist. 

JoinĀ the Launch Your Lifestyle Program.

High-achievers have a lot on their plate.Ā 

Their habits have brought them success, but they also find themselves, overworked, overweight and overwhelmed.Ā 

It's time to eliminate the overwhelm and instead live a successful and fulfilling life where you feel comfortable saying no, creating boundaries around your time, and prioritizing what you desire to create with your life.

Inside of the Launch Your Lifestyle program, we'll teach you how to eliminate overwhelm so you can take intentional action to make time for yourĀ wellness, relationships, and passions.

Click to learn about the program.

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